Monday, 5 September 2011

Placing a loved one in a private care home

It can be the most difficult decision in any adult's life: accepting that an elderly parent requires care beyond that which they can themselves provide. The alternative however, is daunting; placing a parent into a private care home is something many vow never to do and breaking that promise is an understandably painful ordeal.

Feeling guilty is unfortunately an inevitable part of the process, but being realistic and considering the necessity of the situation may ease the stress. Remember, it is unlikely that you will be able to match the level of care provided by the professionals in a private home; you are doing what is ultimately the best and kindest thing for your loved one.

In fact, most private care homes are wonderful establishments, caring for residents like one big second family. Moving into a home immediately combats the isolation associated with living independently and provides the opportunity for new friendships to grow. Additionally, research finds that while no one likes change- the elderly in particular, people adapt quickly to new surroundings. Just make sure you visit and call regularly.

Finding the right place is essential and requires a great deal of time and research. All good private care homes will happily allow you to take a look round, though a top tip is to turn up unannounced, to observe how the home really operates. Do the staff and residents seem happy? Trust your instincts, if you don't get a good feeling about a place, then move on.

It's worth finding out about any activities which the residents can both enjoy and remain stimulated by. These days, it's not all bingo. Many private care homes employ an Activities Coordinator who creates a schedule filled with Tai Chi, excursions, quizzes, exercise classes, special guests, singing and shopping, to name but a few. Families can help by taking an interest in the home - can they entertain or host an activity?

A survey in the US recently revealed that 70% of the over 65s will require private care, it is a growing phenomenon. While this does not make the decision to place anyone in care any less emotional, knowing they are safe, fed, have 24/7 access to medical care and are not lonely should hopefully help all those involved get through this difficult time.

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