Bubble tea supply is a cold blend that incorporates fruit flavorings that are sweet, tapioca pearls and milk. You will actually find many people drinking it undiluted. You will find it with bubbles on top. It was first made in Taiwan in the late 1980's then found its way to Asia and the United States. Bubble tea has actually become very popular especially with the unique blend that it incorporates.
Many have thought that the name bubble comes from the Tapioca pearls, also known as Boba. The name bubble is derived from the froth that the drink comes with. The drink is mostly served in cups which have sealed plastic lids. This enables you to shake it up before drinking. If you are drinking the bubble tea for the first time, you would be surprised by tapioca's chewy texture. The tea comes with a large straw which accommodates the small tapioca leaves at the glass' bottom.
The one thing that makes bubble tea supply a wonderful option is the variety of ways in which it can be served. Accommodating each and every customer's likes and preferences is something that most people in the hotel industry crave for. To start with, getting a customer is a tough job while maintaining them is even harder. It is important that you be in a position to offer every customer unique commodities and improve on the very items that they like. The bubble tea makes for a good option as it allows for flexibility. You could serve the blend with black or green tea. In addition, you could incorporate a coffee base. You may have also noticed some of the coffee shops using custom tea blends as well as exotic varieties to suit the customer's needs and preferences. You will be having endless choices as to the varieties that you could make use of to satisfy your customers. This flexibility is something that you may not have with other drinks.
In addition, you could add flavorings like coconut, passion fruits and lychee. These flavorings are however optional and should be chosen depending on the flavor of the tea.
This tea does not have to include milk as it will still be ok without. However, you could always go for milk substitutes as it will still go well with the tea. This is the whole essence of the flexibility. The ability to suit or personalize the tea cannot be gainsaid.
Making bubble tea is also not a hassle. All you need is milk, fruit flavoring, small tapioca pearls and tea. Remember you are not limited as to the type of tea that you could use. Boils the tapioca pearls for five minutes, leave them to simmer for fifteen then drain the water. Add tea bags to water and boil for five minutes. For the froth, you will need to add flavoring and milk powders. You need to know the correct measurements to boil in the water. For correct servings, you will add a tablespoonful of the tapioca pearls, the bubble powder that is dissolved and three quarters cup of the tea base. Refrigerate them for an hour after mixing them up and there you go.
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