Thursday 21 June 2012

Tips On How To Deal With Formal Dresses Stains

With the improvements in design and aesthetics, there are a number of formal dress options women can indulge in for that special occasion. It doesn’t even matter what size they are because there are brands that cater specifically to a variety of sizes. What’s more encouraging is that women now have the freedom to augment their looks according to how they want it with an amazing variety of make-up, hair care products and jewelry. But one thing that can really put a damper on being and feeling beautiful is the fact that you’ve ruined your dress with stains.

Anything from lipstick to wines and desserts can be a threat. And when it comes to big events, there’s always an abundance of stain makers you have to watch out for. To help you prevent disaster, you should always be careful of what you eat. If possible, avoid eating and drinking a lot during formal occasions so you minimize the risks. If you can’t help yourself, never be too proud to use a napkin. It can save you a lot of grief in the end. On top of these pointers, here are also some tips on how to protect your formal wear from tinges and keep your confidence intact all throughout the night.

First of all, when you notice unwanted marks or blemishes on your dress, your first instinct should not be to carry on to the bathroom and wash it out with water. That might just make the condition worse. What you could do is dab the stain with a section of the same fabric and see if it can be removed. Just gently press them against each other though. Do not rub as this may cause wrinkles.

If this does not work, wet a clean, white napkin with a small amount water and use it to take out the tint. Treat it like how you would a chocolate stain on your face. Again, it is not advised to rub vigorously. And always avoid using too much water on the dress. That will just make the problem area more noticeable. If it is available, you could use baby wipes instead since they are naturally more delicate.

You could try and mask the stain with baby powder or baking soda if you are wearing something white. But that is just about the option you have. Other colors will be hard to cover up without using an accessory. Now, if you find yourself in a desperate pinch and cannot take out an ugly imperfection from what you are wearing, you could improvise by adding accessories to cover the area such as a long scarf or some bejewels. That should make the discoloration less of an eyesore.

If all else fails, just keep your poise and charm your way through the gates. If you’re lucky enough, the stain would get drowned out by the praises you get for your beauty. It would be a shame to attend a soiree in a foul mood and then leave before it even starts just because you are not satisfied with the evening gown you are wearing. Sometimes, the worst happens to the best of us. But you shouldn’t get defeated by that fate. Don’t let your dress wear you. It should be the other way around.

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