Tuesday 12 June 2012

Foster Caring For A Child - Rewarding Though

When a couple comes to know that they cannot become parents, it would be heart breaking for them and fostering is the best option available for these couple to become parents. Like couples looking for kids, there are also children looking for parenting care since there are children, who lose their parents either in an accident or it can be any other reason for that matter. Even though, there are local laws pertaining to fostering in almost all countries in the world, when it comes to fostering Southampton, there are companies enabling couples and even individuals to become foster carer and since these companies are well-aware of the local laws, they can make the process of fostering easier for people, who wish to enjoy parenting.
These fostering agencies also offer training, support and even financial remuneration for people, who become foster carer. These agencies normally assess the suitability of the individual interested in foster caring when the interested person initially contacts the agency. When the interested person visits the place of the agency for the first time, they will be engaged in a friendly conversation with the social worker offering service for the agency. The social worker also clears many doubt that might be arising to the person and at the end of the meeting, the social worker will decide whether the person will be suitable for foster caring. The social worker also offer suggestion to the person as to the age of the child he/she can offer foster care to on the basis of the family background of the individual.

Then, the person interested in fostering Southampton, will have to submit the application following which statutory checks and independent assessments will be done by the agency. After these initial steps, the person will be offered training on foster caring. On successful completion of training, the application and assessment report about the person will be submitted to the panel consisting of social workers, fostering professionals and a foster carer and on the basis of the recommendation of the panel, the person will be appointed as a foster carer. After appointment, there will be annual review by the fostering agency and the agency also offer any support required by the foster carer. These agencies also offer payment for each child they are taking care of and they consider the National Minimum Fostering Allowance as per government rules for the purpose of offering allowance to the foster carer.

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