Sunday 24 June 2012

Make Your Home Stand Out to Avoid Burglary

Most people have a hard time standing out in a crowd. They would much rather blend in with their surroundings since that’s how they have been taught to fit in with their peers. However, when it comes to home security, you want to make your house stand out as much as possible. This might seem illogical because you may think that a house that gets noticed is the one burglars will pick to rob. The truth, though, is that if you make your house stand out in the right way, it will tell burglars that they would be doing themselves a disservice to attempt to break in.

For example, if you have a home security system installed, you want to advertise that fact to everyone. You want to place signs at various points in your yard and stick decals in your windows. You want people to know that your house is protected and if they try to break in they are taking a huge risk of getting caught.

Most home security system experts even recommend that you get a “beware of dog” sign and put up a fence that tells a potential intruder to back off. All of these signs don’t have to be garish or ugly. You can mount them in places that are tactful, but still noticeable. All you are trying to do is deter crime in the first place. If a burglar thinks it is too hard to break in, he will likely move on to another target that looks easier. Perhaps one of those other homes that blend in with all the others on your block would give him better odds.

It might seem kind of callous to hope a burglar picks one of your neighbor’s home instead of yours, but if you really think about it, wouldn’t you rather anyone be a victim if it means you’re not? You are trying to protect your family and your property. Your neighbor should be doing the same thing to protect his family and property and if he isn’t, it’s not your responsibility to do it for him. You don’t wish anything bad to happen to anyone, but when it comes right down to it, better him than you.

The best option is to get your entire neighborhood involved in deterring crime. Get signs for every lawn and place them in strategic spots so that a burglar will move on to a different neighborhood altogether. He’s going to find a place to break into no matter what you do, but at least you can help keep the entire neighborhood safer.

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