Thursday, 6 October 2011

Summer is for seal coating!

Seal coating is ideally done in the summer months. Often though, we procrastinate and then, as fall nears, hurried calls are made to overbooked contractors to seal coat asphalt paved areas before winter.
Winter months, with freeze–thaw cycles cause considerable damage to asphalt paved areas. Water penetrates existing cracks and loosens the soil beneath. Eventually the cracks widen, making the asphalt collapse. This leads to damaged areas that are dangerous, unsightly and expensive to repair. This makes a strong case for sealcoating Miami maintenance in the summer months.

Warm sunny summer months make asphalt maintenance easy and quick. Drying and curing is speeded up enabling you to use your asphalt paved areas faster. This also means that you avoid unsightly tyre marks caused by vehicles going over semi-dry seal coat.

If postponed to the fall months, you have very little time and you may not get the desired result. As the temperatures decrease, the time for seal coating draws to a close. In order for the seal coat to cure correctly the temperature has to be above the 50s. Some forms of repair can be done in the cold months. These are mostly crack repairs that involve filling the cracks with hot rubberized joint sealants. However, even this will not be possible once the snow comes. Keep in mind that long term planning for asphalt maintenance is cost effective and keeps you hassle free. Experts recommend seal coating on a three year cycle as it is the best way to prolong the life of the asphalt paved area.

The sun, irrespective of the season is harsh on asphalt paved areas. We all know the benefits of using sun block creams on ourselves, now think of seal coating. In effect, sealcoating Orlando is the sun block for your asphalt paved areas. Solar ultraviolet radiation causes severe damage to the paved areas and contributes to the cracking process. In the summer months when your paved areas begin to look dull and grey, you know that the sun is damaging them. What may have been kept hidden in winter is very obvious in summer, thus strengthening the case for summer asphalt maintenance.

The advantages of sealcoating Jacksonville to maintain asphalt paved areas can never be overemphasized. Whether the seal coat is an asphalt emulsion or a fortified latex based sealcoat it preserves the asphalt paved area. It prevents oil leaks from seeping through to the soil; it serves as a barrier to prevent water from reaching the layers below. It prevents the damaging radiation from the sun from ruining the paved areas and in this way ensures that your asphalt paved areas are damage free and aesthetically pleasing.

Always remember, repair when the conditions are at their best. Save yourself time and trouble and do not wait till the fall rush. If you are regular and seal coat every three years, you have a hassle free paved area. Consult with a good paving contractor Tampa, do your research and look forward to years of excellent service from your asphalt paved areas.

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