Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Wine and Your Health: The Health Benefits of Drinking Wine

Wine is a beloved drink for many cultures. Much has been said of how wine enhances life, and many millions of dedicated wine enthusiasts enjoy a glass or two in the evening. In this article, we explore the health benefits of wine.

Wine, as you likely know, is traditionally made by fermenting grapes, although it can be made from many other things, such as a variety of fruits, dandelions, etc.. Grape wines are by far the most popular, and are referenced in so much literature it's staggering. Wine has played a role in so many ceremonies and traditions over the centuries it's become a part of life for much of mankind. Other than water, there is scarcely a drink which is as ubiquitous and as loved as wine.

Aside from the lovely feeling and enjoyment one gets from drinking a good glass of wine, there are also purported health benefits of wine. In fact, many experts give credit to wine, usually red wine, for much of the longevity and lack of heart disease and other problems in some European and Mediterranean countries, most notably France. The tannins in red grape skins are particularly potent, containing anti-oxidants which are said to help in the prevention of many forms of cancer. According to industry experts, red wine with its rich red color is very high in resveratrol, an anti-oxidant which has been shown to improve skin tone, reduce cholesterol, fight inflammation, and fend off cancer. How's that for a health benefit? Indeed, the latest findings for Australia's purple carrot juice and concentrated red Shiraz grape juices have shown to prevent and even help heal some cancers.

Wine is alcoholic, of course, and should be consumed in moderation. Some small and little-mentioned benefits of the alcohol itself, however, include a slight thinning of blood - helpful in preventing heart disease, etc. - and slight cleansing of the digestive system, with respect to bacteria and other lurkers.

If you enjoy wine, there are literally thousands of brands to choose from, and you will develop a taste for what you like as you go. Do not worry so much about what is fashionable, what wine suits which foods or what certain 'experts' say. Ask your local wine expert for advice, discover what you personally like, and enjoy!

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