Leather handbags are a useful accessory sported by almost all women. Handbags are not only used as a style statement, but also come handy for carrying myriad things (that only a woman knows). It can be quite disheartening to notice an unwanted, visible stain on your favorite leather handbag. These visible stains can mar the look of the purse. There can be many reasons why your handbag may have been soiled, like accidental spilling of drinks, accumulation of dirt or grime, damp places etc. With the passage of time, the leather may lose its luster and appear dull. In order to avoid these issues it is better to clean leather handbags and purses on a routine basis. For this you can go through these tips on cleaning leather bags for guidelines.
Tips on How to Clean Leather Handbags
Gone are the days when leather bags and purses used to be only in brown or black. These days handbags and purses come in a wide range of colors and attractive designs. Some colors, like white and other light shades, can get soiled quite easily and the stains also may be quite visible. In order to avoid these issues, you should take proper care of your bag. In case of unavoidable circumstances, it is necessary to clean the stain at the earliest, lest it becomes permanent, and spoils the look of the bag. Follow these instructions given below to clean a leather purse. Before you get to the task of cleaning the handbag, carry out a patch test, apply the cleaning agent on a small area of the bag, to see if it is alright to follow the cleaning method. The cleaning agent should be chosen according to the material of the bag.
Empty the contents of the bag and check all the pockets thoroughly before getting to the task of cleaning the bag. The first step towards cleaning leather bags is to read the manufacturer's manual for instructions on cleaning or removing stains from the bag. These will tell you the exact method to clean the bag without causing any damage to the leather.
It is recommended to use a mild detergent or soap for cleaning leather. Dilute a teaspoon of mild shampoo in a bucket of water and soak the bag in it for about 15 minutes. After the stipulated time lightly scrub the bag and rinse in clean water thoroughly so that the soap suds are washed off. Hang the bag inside out till it dries off completely.
For the tough stains, you can soak a ball of cotton in rubbing alcohol and treat the stain with this solution. Evenly rub the alcohol on the stain and allow it to remain for about 10 minutes. Take a separate cotton ball soaked in oil (flax seed, safflower or soy) and rub it on the alcohol treated area of the bag. This action will lighten the stain. Repeat the procedure till the stain is completely removed.
Heat half a bucket of distilled water and soak the bag in it, for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Scrub the leather using a sponge in circular motion. After this, use a saddle soap to soften the leather. Rinse the bag thoroughly so that no residue remains and it is completely clean.
Though quite attractive to look at, having a white handbag has its own share of problems. White is a color which gets dirty quite easily and what's worse, the stains are also quite clear. In order to clean a white leather bag, you must take proper precautions so as not to spoil the material, but at the same time clean it properly.
Dust the handbag to remove the dirt from the surface and run a damp cloth on all sides. For stains that may take a longer time to be removed, soak the bag in distilled water mixed with detergent. You can also use diluted lemon juice to fight off tough stains. In order to prevent the formation of water spots on the surface, it is recommended to pat dry the inner as well as outer surface of the bag using a soft cloth or paper towels. You can also use a blow dryer for this purpose.
Post the cleaning process, use a water based leather conditioner to make the leather supple and protect it from further damage. Allow the bag to dry, both on the insides as well outside, before returning the contents to their original place.
The methods for removing stains from leather that are suggested above, can be used for any type of leather handbag or purse. However, it is always better to read the manufacturer's manual before removing stains or dirt off the leather.
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