Friday, 12 August 2011

Urgent Care: Flexible Ways To Pay For Treatment

Should the time ever come that you need to rush to urgent care for a medical problem, you should be prepared financially. Of course, money is usually the last thing on your mind when you are severely injured or really ill, but it will probably come up during the visit. Therefore, reduce your stress and be prepared by knowing your options.

If you have health insurance, you are probably feeling pretty prepared financially since your visit should cost very little. Just be sure to bring your insurance card, as well as the proper amount of your co-pay. You are advised to first check to make sure the urgent care location you are considering takes your insurance. It is likely that at least one office in your city does, so keep looking if the one you call does not. You should also check your policy or call your provider to find out what is covered. For instance, you may find that x-rays, ultrasounds, or other exams are not fully covered, depending on how basic your policy is. These are usually the main ways to prepare yourself before going when you have insurance. Note that most centers will make it easy on you by directly billing your provider, so do not worry about this aspect.

If you are not insured, you are probably considerably more stressed about finances. However, not being insured does not mean you will not get quality treatment at your local urgent care, as how you are treated is not contingent on how you pay. If you can pay your bill upfront, let the front desk know since they may provide you with a discount. If you find that you cannot pay in full, you may be able to make your payment online by a certain deadline, especially if you make at least a partial payment upfront.

You may find yourself completely unable to pay a cent for your treatment right now. Fortunately, most urgent care centers can help you by getting you set up with a payment plan through an outside credit agency. As long as you have good credit, and will be able to make payments on your bill every month for the next few years, you should qualify. Most plans do not charge interest, so it ends up being the same total as it would be had you paid cash upfront. Therefore, you should not worry if you cannot make a complete payment right away. You will still get the treatment you deserve, and you can worry about the financial details later, when you are feeling better.

While medical treatment is often expensive, the typical doctor cares about getting you better, so it is not all about money. For this reason, there is usually a way for you to get treated even if you do not have the total bill in your wallet. Talk to your local urgent care center to find out the specific details that apply to you, as this should reduce any stress you feel regarding your finances for now.

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