Saturday 28 April 2012

Tips to Prevent Sagging Skin and Fine Lines

The appearance of any skin distorting signs on the skin refers to aging. With growing age, our skin struggles to keep up with its firmness and tone. To state it scientifically, aging affects the supply of required proteins like collagen and elastin in the body. With these life-giving proteins not doing well out there, muscle tone of the body suffers. Unfortunately, our face is the main outlet for these internal disorders to show at.

This is when the skin begins to hang down and lose its charm. The major symptoms are infuriating fine lines and unsightly wrinkles. Then a completely unfamiliar and weird appearance of your (once truly yours) own face leaves you startled. Alarmed, your anxiety-driven mind is too occupied to think of anything else but a quick-fix technique that can bring your youth back.

Since short-cuts don't bring long-lasting effects, it is always wise to give yourself time and develop a habit of following your skin-care regimen. Once fix one as per your convenience and patiently carry it out at home. If you are not sure what a complete skin-care routine includes, ponder over the following:

You've heard repeatedly but its action time now – moisturize properly

This is not it that you don't know the importance of moisturizing and don't use moisturizers you have. But the real thing is to know what essential elements your moisturizer should include. Always prefer a product rich in vitamin C and alpha hydroxyl acid.

Since AHA's are the acids derived from natural fruits, they remove dead skin cells and wrinkle lines disappear. Also, choose keratin-rich moisturizers. Keratin is known to moist even the inner most skin layers. That helps new fibers and cells grow and eventually, the skin revives its firmness.

Your Retinoid missing creams are useless, mind it!!
Retinoids are the most effective anti aging compounds known and approved ever. They carry out unbelievably strong action against fine lines and dermatologists confidently prescribe them.

Wash your face with cold water and apply Retin-A and Renova including cream before sleeping. You'll find collagen formation in your body boosted and break down of cells gets controlled.

Don't get to forget sunscreens
You know that the first reason for wrinkles is harmful sunrays. Our face is the most exposed body part. And that's why it suffers the most; you realize it when you observe other body parts (covered most of the time) where there are no wrinkles.

When going out, apply a good sunscreen cream or lotion on your face, neck and at the top of your hands. You can use Lifecell anti aging cream with all the natural ingredients to protect your skin. When ultraviolet rays can't touch your skin, it's safe, obviously.

Don't miscalculate what facial exercises can do for you…
You have various solutions for wrinkles and fine lines, but there are a few for sagging skin, especially sagging neck. The skin at neck accumulates extra fluid, loosens and finally hangs down. Nothing better than neck exercise can cures it.

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