Monday 2 April 2012

5 Signs You're Ready for Divorce

Many couples go through rough patches during marriage, and as long as both people fight to save the relationship, divorce can often be avoided. However, there are certain signs that indicate that divorce is on the horizon. If you can relate to all or most of these common signs, you might consider talking to a divorce lawyer. 

1. You Constantly Dream of Divorce

For most happy couples, divorce would be a nightmare. But for couples who are no longer in love, divorce provides some much needed relief. It is common to occasionally wonder what would happen if you were to separate. But if you find yourself fantasizing about being single, and you feel happy about the thought, you should talk to a divorce lawyer.

2. You Don't Communicate

Health relationships have good communication. If you no longer excitedly tell your spouse about the good or bad things that happen at work, and you find yourself not caring about how his or her day went, you may be facing divorce. In addition, if you have started hiding all your emotions from your spouse, and feel relieved when he or she does not talk to you when you are both home, it is probably time to leave the marriage since it is no longer beneficial to either of you.
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3. One or Both of You Doesn't Want to Fix Things

If you have repeatedly mentioned your feelings to your spouse, and he or she does not seem to want to talk about them, you need some help. Many couples consider marriage counseling at this point, but in many cases, one spouse refuses to go. If your spouse is unwilling to admit there is a problem, then the relationship cannot work. If you let him or her know this, and there is still no change, it is time to talk to a lawyer.

4. The Marriage Lacks Respect

If you just cannot bring yourself to respect your spouse, your marriage needs some help. One sign of this is that your conversations are rarely civil, and you are always defensive and angry when talking to your spouse. If you feel like everything your spouse says is annoying or dumb, or you believe that he or she feels that way about you, it's time to get some help from either a marriage counselor or a divorce lawyer. Mutual respect is nearly as important to the marriage as good communication.

5.  There Is No Trust

Trust is another important aspect of marriage. In many cases, you don't trust your spouse for a reason. Perhaps you have been cheated on by past partners, and you are taking that out on your spouse. If so, you should talk to a counselor on your own to try to get past this lack of trust. However, if you do not trust your spouse because he or she cheated on you, it will take some lifestyle changes and some marriage counseling to get past it. You need to be able to trust again, or your marriage will not survive.

If many of these signs of divorce seem familiar to you, it is time to talk to a divorce lawyer. If you are determined to try to prevent divorce, though, it is time to have a serious talk with your spouse, and perhaps a marriage counselor.

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