Saturday 14 April 2012

Healthy Smoothies For Kids-Nutritious and Tasty!

It's true, by making healthy smoothies for kids we are in fact providing them with a delicious, and nutritious meal. It is so common nowadays to simply give our kids junk food, call it convenience if you like, I prefer laziness. Yet all we see on the news and in articles is how obese people are these days.

I know for certain that I do not want my kids to grow up overweight, and suffering from all of the illnesses associated with obesity.

That is why I regularly come up with new and innovative fruit smoothie recipes for kids. My kids love them as not only do they have a great taste, they also look pretty cool too. There is no secret formula, you just need to have a good blender, or smoothie maker and some of your favourite fruits. Chuck them in with a little milk,yogurt and ice, then voila...a perfect, healthy smoothie for kids.

I agree, this may seem a strange concept at first, because you probably think it is going to cost the earth, or take too much time, but after a week or two you will find it becomes habit. By the way, once you go to the expense of purchasing a smoothie maker, you will want to use it all of the time. It also only takes about 45 seconds to make a smoothie, about the same time as it does to poor a boring old bowl of cereal, and certainly much quicker than cooking up greasy bacon, eggs or pancakes.

So, if you want to change one thing in your kids lives to help make them healthier, I suggest making a healthy smoothie for kids in the morning before they go to school. They will thank you for it, and the bonus is, you can have one too.

Here is one of my favourite fruit smoothie recipes for kids, quick and simple to make.

2 whole slices of pineapple, skinned and chopped (tinned is fine)
1 handful of fresh or frozen strawberries
1 glass of fresh pineapple juice
1 cup of yogurt (I prefer Greek yogurt as it is better for you)
1 glass of milk (full fat if possible)

Place all of it in to your blender or smoothie maker and blitz until creamy and smooth. There you go, a delicious, nutritious healthy smoothie for kids (and grownups).

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