Sunday 22 April 2012

Stop Wasting Money on Fillings and Just Take Care of Your Teeth!

If you want to be healthy, you have to take good care of your teeth. Diseases that occur in the mouth can easily spread to other parts of the body. You need to do everything you can to make sure that it is as healthy as possible. Your whole body can be seriously affected by any issues arising in the teeth or gums.
Fortunately, taking good care of your mouth is fairly simple. You only have to follow a few simple principles. If you follow the guidelines we'll be discussing in this article, your teeth and gums will have fewer problems.
Everyone brushes their teeth, but many people don't do it properly. It's not enough to just take a brush and swipe at your teeth briefly once or twice per day. Most people don't brush long enough (dentists suggest at least 2 minutes) or frequently enough (at least 2x per day). An efficient way to do it is to spend about thirty seconds on each of the four sections of your mouth.
Set a timer if you have to. You're probably not brushing for as long as you think, so try using a timer. There are some foods that you know are bad for your teeth: sugary junk food that you find in the candy aisle is a given. But what are the others? Were you aware that another thing that is not good for you is sugary gum? Saliva is increased while chewing gum, and this supports diminishing the mouth bacteria, yet gum that is sugary puts new crystals and sugars that were washed off by saliva. Chips and crackers as well as tough sticks of bread, are not good for your tooth health. While fruit is generally healthy, dried fruit is bad for your teeth. And, you don't want to eat raisins: this probably makes you happy to know. Dehydrated raisins are horrible for your tooth health!
Be sure to floss your teeth at least once a day, preferably at night. Most people don't enjoy flossing. It is awkward and hard to do, and if not done often, it can be painful. But in reality, the floss can reach places that the toothbrush can't get to. Flossing is a way to remove the debris that works itself into the gums between your teeth. Plaque is the result of debris hardening between the teeth and if left unattended can create a variety of problems. These days flossing can be made easier than it used to be. There are very inexpensive pre-threaded floss "sticks" that you can purchase that make flossing easier.
Proper teeth care doesn't have to be complicated. It's just adapting some good habits, none of which take much time or even thought. You simply go through the routine each morning and evening and at your six month checkups your dentist should be happy. Don't, however, mistake the simplicity of these actions for lack of importance, as they can really help. You need to pay attention to your teeth and make sure that you care for them properly. Proper oral hygiene helps the rest of your body stay healthy and that's why you need to keep up with it.

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