Tuesday 17 April 2012

Tips to Keep Your Storeroom of Clutter

Cleaning and organising the storeroom is one thing; keeping the clutter at bay thereafter is yet another challenge. It is very fulfilling having to overcome your messy storeroom, but the job does not end there. Maintenance has to be in check so that you will not find even the slightest sign of anything out of place. It is your responsibility to ensure that anything newly introduced is put appropriately, and whatever you take out is returned to its original place.

If you have no intentions on greeting your previous storeroom again, here are some useful tips to upkeep it:

    Use shelves, cabinets and racks in your storage space

As always, do not only rely on boxes to store your belongings. It defeats the purpose of making it easy to locate items. Instead, use shelves, drawers, racks and cabinets to organise your stuff in a way that satisfy your needs.

The best way to prevent clutter in your storeroom is to fully utilise the space available. Hence, by building your own cabinets that run the span of a wall, you are making the most of the storage space. This also allows you to customise your cabinets as and how you like it.

    Put like with like

It is very helpful to have similar things grouped together because you will not have to trudge through a hoard of mess just to locate one thing later. Make sure to label compartments clearly so you will know where to place newly bought items. Always keep in mind to store stuff in a way that you can instantly see what is where.

Things you only need once a year or so (Chinese New Year and Christmas decorations et cetera) should be stored in clearly marked boxes on a shelf/cabinet in the back, as you do not need them often.

Remember to always put larger, heavier items on lower, easy-to-reach compartments.

    Clean shelves, cabinets and racks

As valuable as they all are in offering storage room, they will need to be cleaned from time to time. Begin by removing everything, then start at the top and work your way down. Prepare a household cleaner to clean the dust and dirt, and then scrub thoroughly with stainless steel pans as well as soft sponges.

You can also clean individual items to ensure everything is neat and spotless.

    Get rid of items you don't use often

There is simply no point in keeping stuff you will not touch because they are only taking up unnecessary storage space. Take note of expiry dates for food items and dispose of any broken equipment.

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