Tuesday 28 February 2012

Want to Know The Quickest Way to Get Rid of a Cold Sore?

The best way to fight a cold sore is to prevent it before it shows up. The herpes virus, that causes the sore, will remain dormant until your body is weak before it attacks. This is the reason being stressed is the #1 trigger of fever blisters.

I will show you a number of different methods to get rid of a cold sore quickly. The first way is applying alcohol on it. Eliminating viruses and other nasty germs is just what alcohol is known for. Get a cotton swab, put some alcohol onto it, and then apply it on your sore. Be sure to repeat this process every few hours after you find your ore.
If you can attack when it first sprouts, you have a much better chance of making sure it doesn't spread and grow even bigger.

The 2nd way is to make use of Cat's Claw, which is a plant that comes from the rainforest and is known to work effectively battling the virus the causes the sore. Cat's Claw is shown to give your immune system a boost which will combat the herpes simplex virus.

Just be sure you aren't allergic to the plant by trying it out a few times even before you have a cold sore. You can pick up Cat's Claw at any health food stores and some supermarkets. They come in capsule form and you should take a couple of capsules every few hours when you first start feeling an outbreak. Doing this will make your immune system stronger and much more effective against the herpes simplex virus.

The last way to quickly lose a cold sore is to use another herbal remedy Mint. Mint is great because you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells food.The simplest way to use mint as a remedy and treatment is to create a tea from the mint leaves. Mint is known to be very effective against the hsv simplex virus.

To insure the most effective treatment use these effective treatments once you notice a cold sore appearing. This will make sure that it does not spread and become stronger. Good luck on the treatment!

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