Friday 10 February 2012

3 Tips for Choosing an Electric Guitar Kit

Taking the leap of faith to build your own electric guitar can be a frightening endeavor. Especially if feel that your carpentry skills are lacking. The thing is, that the millions of choices in electric guitar kits can truly enable you to express yourself by creating your very own, personalized expression of music through your instrument. The finished product can be a beautiful, one of a kind creation that you will be proud to own and play.
Of course, with so many guitars on the market today, it is important to choose the right one. When searching for and looking at guitar kits make sure that you read the fine print so you will be clear on just how much pre assembly is done for you. Many kits have all of the holes and leads pre drilled ahead of time to reduce your margin of error. This is really important if you do not want to spend hundreds of dollars investing in tools in order to create your musical masterpiece.
The following are three other tips that will help you choose the best guitar kit for you.
• Electric or Acoustic. The construction and components included in each type of guitar kit will vary greatly. Generally speaking, an electric guitar kit is actually easier to build than an acoustic one. But the bottom line is that you need to choose a kit that matches your music preference. If you play acoustic, then you will need to purchase an acoustic guitar. If you are a first time guitar builder, you might want to start with an electric because your overall craftsmanship is less likely to adversely affect the tone and quality of the instrument.
• Price. Remember, you want an all inclusive guitar kit. Some of the electric guitar kits on the market do not include everything you need to end up with a working guitar. Instead, they rely on you to order subsequent additional parts through a manufacturer or warehouse, which can end up being very expensive in the long run. If something is extremely cheap, then take on the attitude that you are getting what you pay for. Read the fine print!
• Customizable. Creating a customized instrument is great until you find out that everyone else who bought the guitar you chose has the same instrument. You will find that many guitar kits come with different levels of customizability that can allow you to have a truly unique instrument in the end. These kits should also provide you with a direct link to purchase the different aspects of the electric guitar that you can customize or even upgrade.
If you have never tried to build an electric guitar using a kit, you should. Not only is it much easier than you might think but it is a rewarding experience that will enable you to show you true colors when it comes to your musical performance.

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