Saturday 25 February 2012

Bride And Groom Thank You Speeches

A wedding is that most joyous occasion when a man and a woman finally puts an end to a chapter in her life - singlehood - and then begins another as a spouse and eventually as parent. In the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony, husband and wife exchange vows to stay together through all of life's ups and downs, and make a covenant with God and the Church. The wedding ceremony is followed by a reception, during which the newly wed couple deliver their bride and groom thank you speeches. Here's an example.
Begin your thank you speech with a simple greeting, and then follow it with a brief yet sincere thank you to your wedding guests. Take a look at the following lines: "Ladies and gentlemen, we wish you all a pleasant evening! Before we satisfy our stomachs to our fill, we would first like to formally welcome each and every one of you in this celebration! Moreover, we would like to thank you for finding the time to be here. It means so much to us that the people who are most important to us and who are dearest to our hearts are gathered here today to help us celebrate what is probably one of the happiest days of our lives. Years from now, we will look back and remember your kindness - that you have taken part in the magic of this moment. Thank you."
"We would also like to thank our parents. The reason we are here is because you have raised us well. You have taught us all that we needed to know in life, and gave us the chance to learn some of life's lessons through experience. You loved us and took care of us without expecting anything in return, and for that we are truly blessed to have you. Even now as we take on a new journey, you have never failed to show your support and understanding. You stood by us and helped us along the way."
"To all those people who helped us out with the wedding preparations, thank you. This day wouldn't have been this perfect without your generous assistance. Thank you to all those people who supported us and encouraged us right from the very start. Thank you for your words of advice and for the pats on the back. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends and relatives, we really are."

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