Monday 16 July 2012

The Rewards of Adding Multivitamins Into Your Eating Routine

Should everybody be taking multivitamins? Before we answer that, we should ask why we need vitamins, and what would happen if we were deficient in any of them? Vitamins are substances that our body needs for normal body function, but only in small amounts. The problem is that we need them, but our bodies can't produce most of them. We must get them from our diet, and without them we can experience various vitamin deficiency abnormalities such as immune system function, protein production and utilization of food, to name a few.

The body needs thirteen of these essential vitamins to function properly. They are A, D, E, K, B3 (niacin), B1 (Thiamine), B12, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Pantothenic, Biotin, and B2 (riboflavin). Of these, only Vitamin D can be created by the body, the rest are provided through foods or supplements. If we are unable to get the necessary vitamins in our food, multivitamins must step in to take their place.

Since you do not want to be short of these essential vitamins for long, we'll want to be sure let our bodies run short. Personal circumstances sometimes dictate that more are needed, such as with pregnant women, especially during their first trimester. This of course goes double because she has to provide for the baby she's carrying. If you are looking into healthy aging, you may consider multivitamins. Other conditions such as smoking, alcoholism and overexposure to pollution in excessive amounts must be counteracted by multivitamin supplementation.

Another group of people who will probably be in need of multivitamins are people who are under constant stress. Overstressed people often do not have the proper diet necessary to include all the vitamins they need. Some people testify to having a calming influence with the use of multivitamins, whether it is just psychosomatic or not is probably hard to tell. These supplements if they are filling a need that the body is missing will work to neutralize harmful free agents, maintain healthy skin in addition to helping with blood circulation, heart performance and many other areas.

That said, multivitamins are not the panacea for perfect health; there are many other factors that go into that equation. Plus they can only help if there was a deficiency in the first place. If you are a person that eats a well-rounded diet and are sure you are covering all your nutritional bases, they undoubtedly will not provide any help.

Which leads us to our last subject: can there be any a harm caused by taking too many vitamins? In certain cases, you certainly can. Too much Vitamin C could lead to nausea and stomach cramps. When it comes to vitamins and minerals, more isn't necessarily better. If you are getting your vitamins only from the food you eat, it is pretty hard to overdose on vitamin intake. If you are taking a basic multivitamin and keep to the subscribed dosage, you have no fear of taking too much. Most multivitamins have such a wide safety margin that you'll be okay even if you take them with fortified foods.

So what form of multivitamin should you take, capsule or liquid form. Liquid is much more efficient, as it is as much as five times more easily absorbed than tablets or capsules.

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