Monday 16 July 2012

Inversion Table Exercises and Their Benefits For Your Body

An inversion table is an efficient solution to reduce lower back pain and enhance flexibility of your body. Hanging upside down on an inversion table cuts down stress added to your vertebral and spinal discs. By exercising with this table, you can train your core and back muscles without having unnecessary strain on your back.

A Look At Various Inversion Table Exercises


The crunch exercise trains your stomach muscles. While hanging, lock the table in position and fold your arms across your upper body. Crunches are carried out by flexing your upper body and contracting the stomach. The movement range is limited as you're mainly centered on isolating the stomach muscles. The hips should not move while performing this workout. Now pause at the top of every repetition. Carry out three sets of 10-15 repetitions.


Sit-ups work the abdominal muscles and flexor muscle tissues. The inversion table needs to be locked in position throughout the sit-up workout. Fold the arms across the torso and keep chin tucked towards the sternum. Then, flex your chest muscles and bend over at the hips and waist to lift the body upwards. A sit up is finished once your arms come in contact with the upper thighs. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Inverted Squat

The inverted-squat is just like a typical squat but in inverted position. It mainly trains the muscle groups of glutes, calves and hamstrings. While hanging inverted, flex the hips to pull your torso towards the feet. One repetition is over when you can no longer pull the body upwards. Gradually lower yourself to the beginning position and carry out 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


Twists are carried out by slowly and gradually rotating your body. Whilst completely hanging down, keep your right arm across the upper body and hold the left side of the table. Gradually pull the body in that specific direction enabling your torso to rotate. Again, repeat with the left hand and the right side of the inversion table. Complete 3 sets of 10-15 reps for each side of your body.

Benefits of Inversion Table Exercises

    An inversion table can help alleviate general lower back pain by providing complete spine traction.
    It reverses the gravity that's pressurized the spine, which might have induced pinched nerves.
    Hanging inverted by using the body to stretch out the spine lowers the strain on the discs.
    The inversion process may help elongate and stretch the muscles, which might reduce the pain.
    The inversion process usually takes pressure off your backbone so it helps to lessen the impact of gravity. You'll sit and stand more easily plus more prominently. Additionally, you will move with better grace and ease.
    Inversion therapy is basically a kind of traction; it could possibly help relieve the pain related to rheumatoid arthritis
    When your toes are above your heart, this boosts the blood circulation and oxygen transportation to the brain. A lot of people report an improvement in alertness after doing inversion table exercises.
    The inversion table benefits the tight muscles by eliminating your body wastes through the lymphatic system and through the blood stream.

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