Friday 20 January 2012

How To Clean Your Spa

Hot tub spas have become increasingly popular due to the stress-relieving effects in the human body. For a hot spa bath works as a great stress buster, it relaxes your tensed muscles to give you a whole new feeling of being new. Good thing you do not have to spend lots of money or time to maintain your hot tub, all you need is a little care and awareness of the proper method of cleaning and maintenance. Here are some quick tips on how you should keep your hot tub spa: 1.
Make sure you're not using oil or soap based products to clean your hot tub. They usually consist of ammonia or soda based ingredients, which may end causes the formation of foam even in crystal clear water. Its also wise to not use regular household cleaning fluid to clean your hot tub either.
2. Do not use clothing costumes may have residues of soap left in them as a result of a complete wash. To ensure that the washing detergent does not enter your spa, it is useful to rinse your bathing suits again after washing them.
3. Make sure that the cosmetics or personal hygiene products do not enter your hot spa. Example, hair sprays, gels, hair mousse, deodorant, lotions, too much sweat, foundations, creams, soaps or dyes on your skin or your clothes suit may end up making the water cloudy and foamy.
This can reduce the overall life of the filter and end up increasing overall maintenance costs. 4. Use the sponges that can absorb oil while floating in water.
They can absorb oil and prevent them from reaching the filter. To clean the sponge, you can just take them, squeeze them to rinse the oil and water, and clean it with plain water to clean sometimes. 5.
Check the pH value and alkalinity of spa water at a frequency of once per week. Also, you should perform a little test after adding new water as well. This will ensure your skin and your hot tub, both are protected from chemical imbalances in the water.
You can use test strips that are easily available in the market to test the water pH value of the spa. Maintaining your spa does not have to be an expensive affair as you can understand by reading the simple tips listed above. However, the little tips that press release writing can ensure a long life of your hot tub spa without drilling a hole in your pocket.

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