Thursday 29 March 2012

Business Greeting Cards - How to Do It Right

Reaching out to customers and establishing strong relationships is an important aspect of any business. There are many ways you can do these although most of them would require you to spend a lot of money. You see, advertising materials don’t come cheap. So it’s better to start thinking of an inexpensive alternative. Direct mail is one such alternative. If you want, you can add a little twist on it. Instead of sales letters, why not try sending corporate greeting cards instead? Greeting cards can help you connect with your customers in a deeper level. It’s not as aggressive as sales letters yet it has better impact. Sending out cards – to extend greetings or show appreciation to your customers – is also an effective way to get your company's name and promote your brand without appearing too pushy and annoying.
However, not all business greeting cards are created equal. And the process is not as simple as getting a generic greeting card off the shelf then mailing it to your intended recipient. You have to consider some important things in order to do it right. So before sending out your greeting cards, read these tips.

You have lots of opportunity to send out corporate greeting cards. In fact, you have the whole year! If you have a record of your customers’ birthdates, then you may consider sending out birthday cards accordingly. The ideal arrangement is to send out cards at least twice a year. You may choose to send during Thanksgiving or the entire holiday season. But remember, when sending holiday cards, consider your client’s background and decide whether to send a general holiday greetings or a religious Christmas card.

Another suggestion is to send customer appreciation cards. If you have a loyalty program in place, you can choose your card’s recipients by going through your list of members. This will let your customers know that you value their support. Do your best to be creative and subtle about your marketing agenda, otherwise your card would just end in the trash bin.

To create a good impression, consider having your cards personalized. Instead of buying ordinary greeting cards, customize your greeting cards according to your specifications. You can have a printing company print your company logo in the front or inside of the card. For a more formal approach, you should get your company's return address printed on the greeting card envelope.

Make sure that your greeting cards are of high quality. Sending cheap, poorly-printed cards would reflect badly on your company’s reputation. Don’t be surprised if your customers will wonder if you are short-changing them in some other ways. Get your greeting cards from companies that value quality. Print your cards thick-textured paper and send them in premium custom greeting card envelopes.

But before ordering your cards, you must first prepare a list of your recipients so you’d know the number to order. Make sure you include all important customers. You can make the most of your budget by ordering in bulk and use the extras for the next couple of years.

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