Thursday 29 March 2012

4 Simple Steps That Will Double Your Small Business Profits

Many of us have the potential to make double the amount of money that we are making right now. Yet, we settle for working twice as hard to take home half as much money.
This is because there are 4 fears that keep us from fully realizing our full potential. These are:

The fear of increasing our prices.
The fear of hiring.
The fear of firing.
The fear of trying new things.
If you can overcome these fears there will be no obstacle to stop you from doubling the amount of money you are making right now. Below are 4 simple ways to overcome these fears and help you greatly increasing your profits.

How to overcome the 4 fears that are keeping you from doubling your profits.

1. The fear of increasing prices.

There is no greater way to double our profits than by increasing our prices. This is because any increase that people pay goes straight to your pocket - there is no extra expense.

Our biggest fear about increasing our prices is the fear that we will lose our customers - or that no one will be willing to buy from us anymore.

Meanwhile there are plenty of customers out there who are willing to pay an increased price - because they value quality products or services. Yet, we never give them the opportunity to pay.

The best way to overcome this fear is to test your new prices on new prospective customers.If someone buys, that means that others are willing to buy too. If they don't buy, you can offer them the lower price as a courtesy - and you will know that the market is not ready.

What have you got to lose?

2. The fear of hiring

In order for us to grow our business we need to free up our time to do what we do best - make money. Therefore it is important to get outside help to assist us in handling all of the other tasks.

The fear of hiring people usually comes from the fear that you will hire the wrong person, and the fear of losing control.

The truth is that the market is full of good-hearted, responsible employees. And if you provide them the right environment they will grow.

The best way to overcome this fear is to set up the criteria you need in hiring your ideal employee - and keep interviewing until you find them.Just make sure tocreate the environment that will give them the best chance to succeed.

As for control - you just need to get over it.

3. The fear of firing

Unfortunately, who you hire at one level of your business is rarely the same person who will help you get to the next level of your business. This is because everyone has their limitations.

Many of us have crippled the growth of our business because we are afraid to let employees go. We feel bad about doing it, and we prevent our business from reaching the next level.

Meanwhile there are dynamic individuals in the marketplace that we pass by - but that could change the entire face of our organization, if we gave them the chance.

The way to overcome this fear is to firmly decide what the vision for your business will be - then cut hard and cut fast.

Like taking off a bandaid - the quicker and faster you do it the better it will be for both you and the employee.

4. The fear of trying new things

As markets change, and customers change - so we must change in order to take advantage of these opportunities.

Lets face it, many of us have reached a ceiling in our business - because we have been doing the same things for the past few years and are expecting a different result. But a different result will not come until we try something new.

The fear of trying new things comes from the fear of going through an uncomfortable experience. We avoid the growing pains that come from learning something new, because it takes us out of our comfort zone.

What is the best way to overcome this fear? - Embrace being uncomfortable.We must make a decision that we will push ourselves past our comfort zone in order to get what we want.

You can demonstrate this by resolving to try something new every week or every month. You can also get the support you need by having others hold you accountable to doing that one thing.

In conclusion, if you can overcome these fears - then there is no reason why you shouldn't reach the next level in your growth and your profits.

Many of us have settled for less. But now it is time to claim what is truly ours - more freedom and double our profits.

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