Thursday 10 May 2012

Glowing skin care especially for winter and tips of beauty for men

Everyone wants to have a skin that glows. Yes, I would agree this has more to do with women than men. However, men have been purchasing cosmetics such as a glowing fairness cream. We can agree that though they don’t really want to admit it they do care a lot about their skin. Women on the other hand will try at every level to have beautiful glowing skin. If you are in a cosmetic shop, you will come across many products like cleanser, toner, face wash, faces scrub etc. Go through these labels and each product will guarantee you to have a glowing skin. In some cases, depending a lot on the brand, they will make your skin fresh and soft. However the results could not be permanent as you need to purchase these products again and again for result.
The beauty of the skin also depends on the kind of food we consume. Here are some helpful fruits and vegetables that help in skin glowing: Eating berries of all type (strawberries, blue or black berries) add glow to the skin because they accelerate the process of renewing damaged skin cells and flushed out the toxic wastes inside your body. Turmeric also helps as consuming it on an empty stomach improves your immune system giving you a healthy glowing skin. Certain fruits such as apple, carrot and beet juices rejuvenate the skin cell and juices are more ideal as they contain less fiber. The avocado fruit helps to moisten the skin and face packs made of this fruit is popular. Not to forget calorie less papaya that can give your skin a healthy glow.

As mentioned earlier men have awakened to cosmetic world. So besides learning how to take care of your skin, they are also liable for some beauty tips. Men’s skin is more rough and harsh than women’s. The kind of lotions available for women may not work on them. That’s why companies have come up with fairness lotion for men including face wash and shampoos. Men need to groom as well as their opposite sex took each minute of their time trying to look good. So women also expect their partners to look good. There is absolutely no reason for men to wear lipsticks, eye shadows or blushes to look good. But it is advisable that men also use products like face wash and lotions to make him shine. Shaving is an important factor. Though some men may prefer to keep their facial hair they must be reminded to trim and look after it. Stubble may look attractive only if it’s well groomed and trimmed.

Trimmers can be purchased besides razors if men decided to keep stubbles. Another important factor is hair.Less as it is compared to women, a shampoo with vitamin E or dandruff free is required. Men do not usually comb their hair these days with different hair styles coming but hair must be well nourished with a hair cream, gel or oil. No matter if you are married, single or on a date remember that Cleanliness is next to Godliness and if men ever want to be with a beautiful lady he must see that he is also beautiful enough to be with her.

Besides beauty tips for men and people who want an instant skin glow it is important to take care of your skin in winter. Winter climates are harsh and dry for your skin. They can really give you harsh and dry skin due to its low humidity. Worst of all since your lips do not have oil glands chapped lips are easily available. Your hands and feet also need extra care as they tend to crack leaving an ugly mark and a painful feeling. So when we go through all these problems we use moisturizers and lotions. Chapped lips can be cured by carrying a lip balm and applying them regularly. These are easy and simple ways of taking care of our skin in winter. We must also remember to drink at least 12 glasses of water a day. Though the climate may be cold we can drink warm water mixed with lime which is good for the skin and eating the right nutritious food also applies.

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